Who is Perpetua Resources?
Perpetua Resources is a Canadian mining company with an Idaho subsidiary. They are proposing the Stibnite Gold Project.
What is the Stibnite Gold Project?
The Stibnite Gold Project is a gigantic open pit, surface mine in the headwaters of the East Fork South Fork Salmon River. Midas Gold plans to re-disturb the current mine site and excavate an additional 800 acres of currently undisturbed wildlife habitat with three (3) enormous mining pits. Two (2) of these pits, will be left on the landscape in perpetuity.
Midas Gold also plans to fill three (3) valleys with 450 million tons of mine tailing and waste rock and, build a 26-foot-wide access road through three current roadless areas, along the boundary of the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness.
What are the potential impacts of the stibnite gold project?
The mine potentially increases contamination of the Stibnite site and the East Fork South Fork Salmon River. This could occur through additional oil and toxic chemical spills, matalloid leaching, the creation of pit lakes, etc.
A 2013 study of 27 active gold mines, representing 93 % of U.S. gold production, found that all 27 mines experienced at least one pipeline spill or other accidental release of cyanide solution, mine tailings, diesel fuel, and/or ore concentrate.
The U.S. Gold Mines Spills & Failures Report also found that 20 of the 27 mines failed to capture or control contaminated mine seepage and resulted in water quality impacts to surface and/or groundwater.
How will the Stibnite Gold Project impact wildlife?
This gold mining project has the potential to be extremely detrimental to all land, water and wildlife in the area and could extend past the immediate project grounds.
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